Saturday, September 24, 2011

In the home stretch...

Went for my weekly appointment on Tuesday and another great check-up.  I checked out fine and BM is doing great too.  His heartrate has been very consistent each visit...154-155bpm.  It never gets old hearing it each time either.  :) 

I officially met my 2nd goal of reaching 37 weeks!!!!  I am SO happy to have made it and really feel a sense of relief and 'safety'.  Ever since my false alarm, hospital visit and bedrest, I've been very worried and paranoid that he would try to come too soon.  Thinking of all the possibilities if that should have happened was very nerve racking.  I just prayed and prayed we'd make it to 37 (at least) and then I'd feel I could breathe again.  I truly feel much more relaxed and am getting ridiculously excited to finally meet him. 

My doctor checked my cervix again and still no change, so he scheduled me for my induction.  I will go to the hospital on Monday, October 3rd at 3pm, they will start the cervadil which is used to help ripen my cervix and then at 5am, October 4th, they will start my pitocin.  Baby Martin should make his arrival sometime later that day (just 8 days before his actual due date)!  It's kinda crazy to actually be able to plan and know what day he will be here.  If you've read my previous blogs, the reason for my induction is due to my receiving the steroid shot (betamethasone) when I was in the hospital at 30 weeks.  The shot was to help boost BM's lungs in case I went into labor too soon.  My doctor informed me at the time that this would mean I would need to be induced at 39 weeks and would not be allowed to go to my original due date (BM might be too large and advanced at that point).  I was perfectly fine with that because I knew it was important to boost BM as a precautionary and who wouldn't mind delivering a week early!  I'm SO ready! 

So my sister, Aaron, will arrive next Saturday, Oct 1st at 11am and my parents will arrive Oct 2nd and then we're off to have a baby on the 3rd!  I'm so excited they will all be here for BM's birth.  It's all worked out so far anyway!  They will be such a great support system for me in the hospital and a team effort once we get home! 

Just 8 more days til GO time!  I can't believe it!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

36 week checkup

Our appointment went great yesterday.  It was so good to see our little boy one last time before we finally meet him in person!  Since week 28, Dr. Schlafstein has estimated him to be around 7-7.5 lbs at birth, but looking like he's definitely going to exceed that (assuming I'm able to make it to 39 weeks & my induction date).  His estimated weight yesterday was already 6lbs 10oz and if he continues to gain 1/2 lb each week for the next 3 weeks, he will be close to 8lbs 2-3oz!  Much bigger than we thought!  Obviously Mommy's weight gain and the steroid booster he received in the hospital have plumped him up quite a bit :)  He is measuring 2 days ahead of schedule and in the 74th percentile.  Though I'm a little nervous about him being bigger than I had planned, I'm really happy to hear he's healthy and growing. 

He also has a FULL head of hair!  They told us this at our 28 week ultrasound, but we couldn't really see anything.  However, during this ultrasound we definitely saw all the hair on his head!  I couldn't believe how much he has!  Todd and I were joking with Natalie (u/s tech) that he might need a trim up before we even leave the hospital!  :)

Overall, he checked out great and so did I.  Hemoglobin good, blood pressure great, no swelling, gained a pound since last week (much better than the 6lbs I gained in just 2 weeks at my last appt!!!), and my cervix hasn't changed any.  I was actually really relieved to hear this because it makes me very hopeful that I'll make it another 3 weeks.  Getting my family in town before he arrives is very important to me.  My parents can get here by the end of Sept and my sister will fly in Oct 1st.  Crossing our fingers he doesn't try to come any sooner than that! 

So now we play the waiting game.  We are SO ready for him!  We finally completed his nursery last weekend, bassinet is in our room, Daddy is getting the carseat checked at the Health Dept today, and bags are packed!  I am so, so EXCITED to finally meet him and hold him in my arms! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Getting ready!

Each week we get a little more prepared for this little guy that is about to enter our world, but after this past weekend's childbirth class, we feel much more prepared for the actual labor & delivery.  I've done my share of reading to prepare myself and definitely already knew alot that was taught during the class but still learned alot as well.  What I really enjoyed and took away from it was the practicality of it all.  The L&D nurse who taught it was awesome and told many stories from her 20 years of experience and also showed some videos, though very dated were great resources.  The registration process, the meds that are available, the risks associated with each, dilation and effacement, average time between active labor and transition, breathing patterns, movement & positions to help labor move along, the role of my 'coach' aka Todd, baby positioning and the tools that can be used for extraction.  Lots to learn and lots to know come D day!

I've been considering what birth plan I'd like to have and after taking the class, I'm able to really know what I'd like to happen and what's important to us.  Having a birth plan in place is great so both the doctor and nurses know what you want and hope to happen, but I also can't help but think, "what will be will be" and some things you just can't control.  But nonetheless I will have a birth plan in place.

I plan to have a vaginal birth and really hope I'm able to do so.  Should I go into labor on my own before 39 weeks, I think my chances are great that it will happen.  However, I'm nervous about the idea of having to be induced at 39 weeks and not starting labor naturally on my own.  There is an increased chance of having a c-section when labor is induced.  Obviously, first and foremost I want a healthy baby and I want to keep myself safe as well, so whatever it takes to make sure both of us are okay, then that is what I will do.  But I really hope and plan to do whatever it takes to avoid a c-section.

Doing skin-to-skin with my baby as soon as he arrives is very important to me.  I will be able to do this right away should I deliver vaginally, however, with a c-section I'd have to wait at least 40-50minutes to be stitched up and wheeled to my room to then start skin-to-skin and nursing.  Another reason I prefer not to have a c-section. 

Ultimately, God is in control and has his own plan for the birth of my little boy and whatever that may be is what it will be.  I have complete faith and trust in that but I can't help but think... I sure hope we're on the same page! :)

I have a 35 week OB checkup next Tuesday and then the following Tuesday I'll have my 36-week ultrasound.  As with all other ultrasound appointments, I'm really looking forward to it and excited to see his chubby little cheeks again as well as find out how big he's going to be!  I'm thinking he's still on track to be between 7-7.5 lbs.  He has been vertex and sitting very low for quite some time, so hoping that hasn't changed.  He is still a busy little guy and moves around alot.  He's gotten stronger with his kicks and jabs and not so comfortable when I feel a fast kick to the ribs when lying down or a punch to the bladder that makes me feel as if I'm going to pee on myself right at that very moment with no control!  I hope to catch him moving on video one day soon, but he always seems to sit still whenever I think to go get the camera.  He obviously doesn't work on demand or take requests! :) He also frequently gets hiccups which are always funny to feel and can last for 3-5 minutes.  I'm getting so excited to see this little guy that's been living inside my belly for the past 8 months!  I'm anxious to see who he looks like and am sooo ready to just hold him in my arms!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Doctor, doctor give me some news!

I had my follow-up appointment with my doctor yesterday and the results of the 2nd fetal fibronectin test came back negative!!  My doctor did not anticipate a negative result and was actually quite certain it would remain positive, however, I remained hopeful.  I was so relieved and my paranoia and worrying dropped significantly.  I know the bedrest has been very good for me and I've noticed a difference.  I didn't feel bad before but I definitley feel better now that I'm rested and taking it easy.  I truly think I was trying to do too much because I felt I could, but my body was not able to keep up.  I've finally realized I can't do it all and keeping this baby safe and making it full term is much more important than trying to push myself to get things done at work and at home. 

My doctor did not advise me to go back to work unless I was at risk of losing my job or my house!  She assured me that if I went back to my normal activity before all of this happened that I'd be putting myself at risk to be right back in the hospital and I definitely don't want that to least not for another 7 weeks!  So luckily my job is very understanding and allowing me to work from home, so that's what I'll be doing from now until this baby boy arrives.  I am able to be up and do normal activity, but instructed to take it slow and not overdo it.  If I run errands or go to the grocery one day, then I'm to rest the next day.  If I do any chores or stuff around the house one day, then I rest the next.  And that is to be my routine from here on out.  I do plan to go into work a couple days a week for a few hours to do a few things and pick up/drop off work and to see my coworkers who I miss, but otherwise, I'm following doctor's orders and resting alot and drinking lots of fluids.

I feel very hopeful and am remaining positive that I can make it 7 more weeks (when I'll be 39 weeks and ready to be induced).  That is my goal.  My sister and BM's Auntie Aaron will be flying in that week and I really, really want her to be here for his delivery so that's more motivation for me to make it that far! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh what a weekend...

After going to see my doctor on Thursday and being told I'd be on bedrest for the remainder of the weekend, never did I expect I'd actually be spending it in a hospital bed. 

Thursday, while at the doctor, I was tested for fetal fibronectin, which is a protein that acts as a "glue" during pregnancy, attaching the amniotic sac to the lining of my uterus.  My doctor called me Friday morning with the results.  I had actually tested positive.  What?  Are you serious?  Okay, now I'm freaked out and feeling really nervous.  What does all of this mean?  My doctor assured me it did not mean I was actually going into labor, but that I must head to the hospital and check-in with Labor & Delivery right away so that they could hook me up to a monitor and see what all is going on.  A positive fetal fibronectin test is a clue that the "glue" has been disturbed and I'm at increased risk of preterm labor.  So I called Todd at work and told him he needed to come home and we were off to the hospital.

Very concerned and nervous, we arrived at the hospital, got checked in and I was put in a rather large private room.  They immediately hooked me up to the monitor to check for contractions and monitor the baby's heartrate.  This is where I remained for the entire afternoon, showing no signs of contractions or cramping and baby looking great.  My doctor came by around 4pm after his surgeries for the day and gave me the news he was going to admit me and have me stay the night to be monitored 24 hours.  I wasn't very thrilled with this news, but I will sacrifice whatever I have to in order to keep my baby boy safe and in this belly for several more weeks!  He also said he'd like me to get a steroid shot of betamethasone to help advance the development of BM's lungs, in case I should I have him early.  It doesn't pose any harm to him and better to get it now than not.  What this did mean, however, was that I will need to be induced at 39 weeks if I don't actually have him sooner.  I won't be able to go to my due date.  Okay by me, but I'm hoping and praying I can at least make it to 37 weeks, if not, to the 39 weeks.

Todd and I had some dinner and watched a movie together squeezed in like sardines in the hospital bed, and then he left around 10pm to go home to let the dogs out and get some sleep.  It wasn't 45 minutes later that the nurse came in and asked "are you feeling those?  you're having contractions."  What?  I am?  I looked up at the monitor, and sure enough I'd had like 4-5 contractions but only felt the last 2 (barely).  She told me to try going to the bathroom to see if that would help stop them, apparently there is some correlation with contractions and a full bladder.  That of course didn't stop them, so she had to give me a shot of terbutaline to hopefully make them stop.  They eased up some and I was able to fall asleep for about 1.5 hours until I was woken up at 1:30am by more contractions that I could actually feel.  They were very uncomfortable.  Not painful, but uncomfortable.  I had about 3-4 of these in 30 minutes.  Once they stopped (by 2am), I didn't have any others for the remainder of the night. 

The following morning, my doctor came by to check on me.  He said with the combination of me being only 30 weeks, a postive result for fetal fibronectin and having had some cramping and then contractions in the night, he was concerned and advised I stay another night to keep an eye on me.  I, of course, was hoping to go home but I was concerned myself after having contractions in the night and it actually gave me some peace of mind to remain in the hospital where I was in good hands should anything happen. 

So that's where I remained for another 24 hours and luckily, I never showed any more signs of contractions, baby still looked great and I was able to get a full night's rest.  I was so relieved!  Surely I'd be going home!  I got up that morning (Sunday) and had some breakfast, took a shower, packed my bags and anxiously waited with Todd for my doctor to make his rounds.  Here I am, patiently waiting!

He came by around 12:30pm and gave me the good news that he was discharging me!  He gave me a prescription for terbutaline in case I should feel any contractions while at home, this would make them stop, and gave me instruction to remain on bedrest until my appointment with him Tuesday morning.  He will then test me again for the fetal fibronectin and hopefully get those results back sometime Tuesday afternoon.  If I should test negative this time, I will be allowed to go back to work but to take it easy and not overdo it.  However, if I test positive again, I will remain on bedrest and possibly for the remainder of my pregnancy.  Here is some more info on the fetal fibronectin test and positive/negative results:

This has been quite a nerve-racking weekend and one I never expected would happen.  I've had such a smooth pregnancy up until this point and definitely didn't see this coming.  It certainly makes me very concerned for what may or could happen in the next 8 weeks.  And it couldn't have happended at a better time...had friends in town this weekend to stay with us, supposed to host Bunco at my house this Thursday, and baby shower Saturday.  We did however manage to still do our tour of Labor & Delivery at the hospital, that we were signed up for on Sunday.  It just turned out to be our own personal tour rather than with the group!  :o)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Laid up at 30 weeks

So I woke up this morning with menstrual-like cramps and thought, "hmmm this is strange. why am I cramping?"  I went ahead and got ready and went to work but the cramps never faded.  Sitting at work I just felt uncomfortable and thought, "maybe I should call my doctor."  I don't want to be a worry wart but I also don't want to take any chances.  After asking my friend Kindall what she thought I should do, she confirmed that I should definitely call the doctor.  I called and they told me to come in right then so they could check me.  So, at 9:30am I headed to the doctor.  They took me straight back and did my regular labwork (all checked out fine) and then hooked me up to the fetal monitor.  This monitored the baby's heartrate, any signs of contractions and baby movements.  The doctor also came in and checked my cervix, which is completely closed and felt perfect. 

After lying there for over 30 minutes, the monitor showed no sign of contractions and heartrate was great.  However, I was still cramping.  So the doctor decided to put me on bedrest for the remainder of the weekend to be sure I get plenty of rest and I was given strict instruction to drink plenty of water and only get up to shower and eat.  It's possible that I'm just having Braxton Hicks but could also just be my body preparing for labor and the 'real deal' contractions to come :)  She assured me that everything looks okay but she wants to be cautious.  The cramping should go away on its own by tonight or tomorrow, so hopefully that will hold true.

So I'm laid up on the couch with 2 of my baby books, watching a Baby Story, my water/gatorade jug next to me and also my baby scrapbook I started last weekend to work on a little later.  I'm not very thrilled to be told I can't do anything for 3.5 days, especially when I save all my errands for the weekend and had dinner plans with friends tomorrow night, but I'll do whatever the doctor says to keep this little guy baking in the oven for another 10 weeks!  :o)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What a shower!

It definitely rained on us on Thur, July 21st for our baby shower hosted by my office, Karp, Ronning & Tindol.  It was quite a shower and we felt very fortunate for all the wonderful gifts we received, the generousity expressed and for all my coworkers & bosses that came to celebrate such an exciting time in our lives with us. 

We nibbled on some snacks (fruit & cheese tray, chex mix, petit fours) and had some tasty punch that Todd said looked like "kryptonite" (lime sherbet & ginger ale) and then opened our gifts...(thanks to Krista for taking the photos!)

28 week ultrasound

This past Tuesday I went for my 28 week ultrasound.  I had asked my Mom (and Dad too if he so desired) if she'd like to come with us, and of course she did!  So they drove up from their house in Florida on Monday and stayed through Wednesday.  They brought their friend Bob along with them.  He had recently lost his wife and a week after her services, he lost his dog.  So needless to say, he needed a break. 

When Tuesday morning arrived, I was so anxious and excited I could hardly stand it.  Ultrasound appointments are my favorite.  I love getting a peak at our growing little boy and seeing how different he looks each time.  I hadn't had one since our 20 week appt so I was sure he had changed quite a bit in 8 weeks.  And I was right!  The first thing I noticed were how chubby his little cheeks were!  His face had filled out so much and the u/s tech told us she noticed quite a bit of hair on his head as well.  Not so sure the myth of heartburn and hair growth really stands true....I've only noticed heartburn a handful of times.  Baby Martin was quite the mover (as he has been in all other u/s) at 9am.  I think he enjoyed my cold glass of milk and slice of banana bread :) He gave his grandma quite the show!  We were able to watch him do some sucking motions and even see his little tongue moving as he was swallowing the amniotic fluid.  It was amazing! 

Overall, it was a great appointment and so fun to share with my Mom!  I think she really enjoyed seeing her grandson and also the advancement in technology since her days of getting ultrasounds!  (Dad stayed behind with his friend Bob to do some home projects we had waiting on him!)  Baby Martin was measuring spot on with my due date...growing just as he should be.  He is approximately 2lbs 13oz and on track to be 7-7.5 lbs at birth if all goes well.  As for Baby Momma, I had a few hiccups.  My iron count was low this time and I also showed signs of the onstart of a bladder infection.  I was given instruction to increase my intake of red meats & veggies and to await the results from the lab as to whether I need to start meds for an infection or not.  Back pain is something I continue to deal with and am to keep monitoring.  If it should intensify, my doctor will check into it further.  But for now, he is contributing it to muscle strain due to my size and the excess belly weight I'm toting around that my back muscles aren't used to supporting.  I think I see another prenatal massage in my NEAR future :)

Here is baby Martin's profile shot with an arm up over his face (typical at every u/s):

And here is a look at the front of his face.  Notice the chubby cheek and his cute little nose (which actually looks pretty large...hope he doesn't get his Momma's genes in that department!):

And here I am at 28 weeks...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hello 3rd trimester!

Today I start my 3rd trimester and I can't believe we're already here!  The weeks have been passing so fast.  I feel my days all run together with all this reading and preparing.  I'm so consumed because I want to learn so much and prepare as best I can.  Not having any experience taking care of a newborn, I've had lots to learn. 
Though it seems like time has flown by, I must admit that my body is feeling every bit of being in the 3rd trimester!  My energy level has been going down and I'm much more tired at the end of each day.  And on top of that, my back aches are becoming pretty painful and extremely uncomfortable.  It started back in June when I flew home to KY to see my family and I was hoping it was just from the flight, but unfortunately it's due to the belly not the plane.  It is now a daily occurrence and the only way to make it go away is to lay down on my left side, shifting the weight of my belly off of my back.  This of course doesn't help me at all when working all day and sitting/standing.  I've become an old lady with a heating pad on while working at my desk!  The heat doesn't eliminate the pain but it helps ease it.  I've also noticed swollen feet and ankles the past two days.  I'm going to have to keep an eye on this as this is the only time I've noticed any swelling. 
I don't want to complain too much because I've been pretty lucky throughout this pregnancy and haven't had any other issues.  I can handle some back pain.  Things could definitely be worse.

Also with being 28 weeks, I've been experiencing some "nesting".  I've cleaned out all cabinets in the kitchen to throw out things we don't use and reorganize, I bought storage tubs & totes for nearly every closet in the house to get more organized and have had Todd make several trips to the Humane Society & Goodwill for donations and have cleaned, cleaned and cleaned some more.   We painted the nursery an adorable shade of blue, setup his crib with the bedding, moved in his dresser and set it up as the changing table, and organized his closet.  I find the most relaxing thing for me is shopping for my little guy and getting his nursery ready.  I get this sense of happiness and pure joy and it just makes me feel so calm and relaxed.  Dangerous I know...for my wallet! 

I'm looking forward to my baby shower tomorrow at work, our upcoming tour of Labor & Delivery at St. Joseph's Candler hospital, and our childbirth classes at the end of August.  We completed our first child care class last week, infant CPR.  It was a refresher course for me since I had to be renewed every 2 years while lifeguarding at UK, but it was the first for Todd.  We definitely feel more confident should our child ever get choked or god forbid anything else tragic happen.

We still have lots to do between now and October but every day I feel more and more prepared and ready for this new little addition. :)

20 weeks on the left & 26 weeks on the right.
(Oops!  Been busy and skipped a few weeks...or 5!)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Testing, testing...1, 2, 3

Today was not a fun day.  Today I had to endure the dreaded 3-hour glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes. 

Yesterday, I went for my regular OB checkup which also included an hour long glucose test.  I had to drink this orange flavored cola (reminded me of Sunkist) within 5 minutes, which really wasn't all that bad.  It was cold, sweet and carbonated like an actual soda.  I then sat for an hour to let my body break down the sugars and then they pricked my finger to test my blood sugar levels.  A few minutes later the nurse came in and gave me the unexpected news...I failed.  I really didn't think I'd fail.  Apparently the count should be 125 or under and my count was 129.  I didn't fail it miserably, but nonetheless, I failed.

I was then given instruction to call the lab used by my insurance company to schedule an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning (today) to go in and have the 3-hour test done to determine whether or not I actually have gestational diabetes.  I would need to fast from midnight until after the test.  My last bit of food/water was at 9pm last night...snacks at Bunco.  :) 

So, I showed up this morning at 8am, right when they opened, filled out some paperwork and the testing began.  They drew blood from my left arm at 8:35am (testing my levels before the sugary drink & fasting), then had me drink the same orange drink I had yesterday except with 100mg of sugar versus 50mg and warm versus cold.  It took me the entire 5minutes to force this one down.  It was awful.  I then sat for an hour.  I was able to kick back in a recliner and watch the Today show, so this first hour wasn't all that bad until I started feeling nauseous from not having any food on my stomach and then drinking that horrible beverage.  Blah!

At 9:35am the nurse came in, asked how I was feeling and then poked & drew blood from my right arm this time.  I then sat for another hour.  During this hour I read Us weekly, catching up on the latest celebrity drama: Kate & Will's trip to Canada & the U.S., Jessica & Justin getting back together, updates on all the Teen Mom's, and checking out the latest fashion trends.  I was starting to feel some better, but really getting tired of sitting in a lab with random people coming in & out needing various types of testing.  At least I was in a seperate room and not out in the general waiting room. 

At 10:35am, I went to track down the nurse to get my blood drawn for the 3rd time.  This time we went back to my left arm.  Once the blood was drawn, we did a little more paperwork, talked about the baby and then I returned to what began to feel like my 'holding cell' for ONE more hour.  This hour went by a little faster because I was joined by another girl my age who was having the hour long glucose test (which I did at my doctor's office yesterday).  We exchanged pregnancy stories, our due dates (she is due two weeks after me) and the sex of our babies.  She & her husband opted not to find out, but she has a hunch it's a girl.  It was fun to talk to someone at the same stage of pregnancy as me...we could relate on so many different topics.  When we took a break from talking, I was able to read up on my latest book from my pediatrician, Baby 411. 

At 11:35am, the nurse called me to have my 4th and FINAL blood sample taken.  Hallelujah!  She poked and drew blood from my right arm (balancing me out...twice in the left, and twice in the right).  I signed some papers, got my insurance card back and bolted out the door!  I couldn't wait to get some FOOD in this belly!  I was really wanting to go get some good food, but I had a lunch meeting at work starting at 12pm so I had to go straight there and eat the pizza that was delivered for us.

That wonderful start to the day sure made for an extremely long remainder of the day.  I sure hope tomorrow is much better...and it will be if I start off with a call from my doctor with the results of this darn test...telling me I PASSED! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I've known for many years that I am blessed to have 8 wonderful ladies in my life that have been lifelong, childhood friends, but on June 25th that was confirmed.  I was in Winston-Salem, NC for my friend Sarah K's bachelorette party weekend, hosted by our friend Katie.  We all arrived either Thur night or Friday, made dinner together and stayed up all night talking and catching up on Friday night.  We woke up on Sat morning, and several of us had cravings for Krispy Kreme donuts (which I soon learned is actually based in Winston-Salem) so I offered to run out and get us a dozen, pickup a few things some of the girls needed at CVS and the grocery store.  Little did I know, it was perfect that I volunteered myself to run these errands because when I returned I walked in to find a SURPRISE baby shower being thrown for myself and Baby Martin!  I had NO idea!  I was completely thrown off guard.  They had made some of the cutest decorations, Julia personally made me an adorable blue & white "Mommy-to-be" sash to wear, and the shower was based around children's books.  Each of my girlfriends picked out one or more of their favorite children's books, including one very special one....a recordable Hallmark book.  Each of them read and recorded their voice reading a page of the book.  This will certainly be a favorite of mine to read with BM, and hope he likes it too!  He will quickly learn how truly loved he is by 8 very special 'aunts'!  :)  I can't wait for the day he finally gets to meet each and every one of them.  And I hope that one day, he finds himself just as lucky and fortunate as his Mommy to have such close childhood friends that love him for exactly who he is, make him laugh until he cries and support him no matter what.

Bust a move

Sorry it's been a month since my last blog post.  June was a crazy, traveling, and various other appointments & functions.  I hope to try and blog at least once a week from here on out.  We'll see how I do, so here's to the start of July...

Several weeks ago, I was able to start feeling Baby Martin moving & kicking on the outside.  It was so exciting because I could now share what I was feeling on the inside (sort of) with Todd.  His eyes got really big the first time he felt him kick...he couldn't believe he was actually feeling him.  BM is quite the mover and his daddy is able to feel him all the time.  He seems to be most active around 10am (he likes to sleep in), after every meal, several times throughout the afternoon and of course at night when I'm trying to fall asleep.  I love feeling him move and now that I can, I love sharing his movements with my family & friends too!  Occasionally we can actually see my stomach move too, which Todd has not gotten used to.  He still gags a little and thinks it's extremely strange and alien like.  haha!  I think it's awesome and can't get enough!  :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

We're having a BOY!!!

After much anticipation and anxiety, the day finally arrived for our ultrasound to determine if Baby Martin was a girl or boy.  We arrived at Dr. Barry's office at 9am Tuesday morning and nervously sat in the waiting room waiting patiently (as best we could!) for my name to be called.  When we finally were called back we were all smiles and extremely ready to know!  Natalie lubed me up with the 'belly jelly' and there he/she was!  We were watching Baby Martin up on the big monitor and so happy to see his little heart beating (145 bpm) and his little arms and legs kicking and waving all around.  Very active for 9am!  Natalie (the u/s tech started at the head and worked her way down, measuring all parts and examining in detail everything about little Martin).  Todd and I, of course, were thinking..."can't you just go down and show us the gender FIRST and then go back and do all these measurements?  you're killing us!"  :o)  But even though we were very anxious, it was really cool to just take it all in and hear her explain each little thing as she went along. 

Finally she made her way down south and as soon as she did, the first shot she got was this...
It was very obvious (even to me who can barely read these things when I see friends' ultrasounds) that we in fact, were having a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!  (notice where the arrow is pointing...and the 2 legs on either side!) I immediately looked at Natalie who was looking at me with the biggest eyes and I said "is that really what I think it is?!"  And she of course said "Yep, it sure is!  Congratulations!"  I looked at Todd who was borderline in shock and he just grinned from ear to ear and then we both shed some tears.  He couldn't stop hugging and kissing me...each time laying his arm in the 'belly jelly' and getting it all over his dress shirt & pants!  lol!  He could have cared less.  He was just so incredibly happy.  We both were. 

Natalie then went back up to try and see if Baby Martin would finally cooperate with us and let us get a glimpse of his face & profile.  He wasn't shy in the least to show us his goods but he sure was shy to show us his face!  He kept hiding behind his arms & hands, and though I thought this was really sweet, I really wanted to see his profile.  Finally, we were able to shift him around enough to get him to move his arms out of the way:

I fell in love immediately.  This was such an exciting appointment and I loved every minute of it!  We had a full 30minutes of watching and learning about our little guy.  It was so fun!  I'll go back for a regular OB appt at the end of June and another ultrasound the end of July (8 weeks).  But until then, I've got some shopping to do...BLUE, BLUE, BLUE!!!!!  And a nursery to start planning!  :0)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Daddy's turn

Every week (when we remember) Todd has been taking a belly shot of me to document this whole pregnancy journey.  I'm already enjoying looking back through them and noticing how much my body has changed.  I can only imagine what it will look like 20 more weeks from now! 

Last Wednesday when I turned 19 weeks, I yelled in at Todd who was watching tv that we needed to take a belly shot for the week.  I went to the kitchen to get the camera and when I came walking back down the hallway, this is what I found waiting for me...

Apparently our roles had been reversed and it was his turn for a belly shot!  My place on the 'baby wall' had been replaced by Daddy!  Not breaking a smile and remaining so serious, he said "I'm ready!  How's it look?  How far along do you think I am?"  I was hardly able to take the picture from laughing so hard.  He's got the pose down pat and I'm pretty sure he's further along than I am!  He's such a smart ass sometimes...and I like it...most of the time!  :) 

All jokes aside, it was just another reminder that he's as much a part of this pregnancy as I am.  Though my belly is the one growing with a baby inside, not sure what his excuse is! 

After a good laugh, we were able to take the actual belly shot that was intended.  Here I am at 19 weeks, and really starting to look like I have a basketball under my shirt!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May is the month of surprises

I went for another check-up on May 3rd and all was well.  BM's heartbeat had dropped as they said it would, now beating at 142 bpm, my blood pressure was good at 98/62, and I've gained a total of 8 lbs.  Other than that, I met with my doctor for a few minutes, discussed travel plans and confirmed our next appointment for our ultrasound to determine the sex on May 31st.  That will be the last surprise for the month of May, but obviously the biggest one!  We can hardly wait and have officially started the countdown...2 weeks from today!  I'm really ready to start working on the nursery.  I've chosen a crib, dresser, bedding for either boy or girl and we are certain on a boy's name but a little uncertain about a girl's.  So now all we need to know is what we'll actually be having so we can get started on all these plans.

The first surprise of the month would be my belly!  I mentioned in my previous blog that my 'bump' had finally arrived, but what I didn't know was that was not actually true.  It really popped out and made itself known a few weeks later at 16 weeks.  One day I had a pooch and the next I was pregnant.  See what I mean... (15 weeks on the left, 16 weeks on the right).

The second 'surprise' of the month...which wasn't really a surprise but rather a pleasant gift was from my coworker Chesley.  He brought me a gently used (and I mean only used for 2 days so practically new) cradle to work for me to use.  His wife's father gave it to them when she was pregnant with their son, Sullivan, but they only used it the first couple of nights and then chose to put their son in his crib where he's slept ever since.  It's just what I wanted and needed.  It's classic and will be perfect to have in our room next to our bed for the first several months before making the transition to the crib.  All I need to get is some bedding for it, which I've already found at a local baby store.  I just need to go back and purchase it.

And the final surprise of the month, so far anyway, just came this week.  I felt BM moving around for the first time!  What a strange feeling!  Most books and friends have said it will feel like butterflies in my stomach, which it does somewhat, but in my current book it described it just as it felt to a little goldfish swimming around in my belly!  It feels like a when I kick or move my feet/hands under water.  When I first noticed them on Sunday, they were really faint movements.  And today (Tues) they were stronger and more frequent.  I think BM is practicing flip turns in there!  It's such a comforting feeling because it assures me that the baby is doing okay, however, it feels so odd that it's slightly disturbing!  Especially when I'm sitting at my desk working and all a sudden BM takes off to swim a few laps!  I just smile, pause and then try to focus to get back to what I was doing. 

I'm sure this month was only the start of the many surprises yet to come.  I know we'll have so many more moments to look forward to in the next 4-5 months and I'm so excited for every one of them!  I know the best is yet to come, but for now, I'm enjoying every single day of being preggo and doing the best I can to prepare myself to be the best Mom I can be. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

April showers bring...a baby bump?

I had my first follow-up appointment on April 5th at 13 weeks and all went well.  Todd was in attendance again and we got to hear the heartbeat, which was ranging from 160-180.  The nurse assured me this was normal and that it would drop quite a bit come my next appointment.  Todd immediately was thinking "it's a girl.  a fast heartbeat means it's a girl."  (read with slight devastation).  He wants a boy so bad this first time around that I've had to make him come to terms that we just might have a girl and he will have to be just as happy.  As long as we have a healthy baby it doesn't really matter if we'll be wrapping it up in a pink or blue blanket!  He's accepting of that and has realized, "it is what it is, and he'll be happy either way."  With that said, we scheduled our next follow-up for May 3rd and our next sonogram for May 31st...which is when we will finally determine what color that blanket will actually be!  We can hardly wait!!

So as the weeks go by, the belly is growing and by 14-15 weeks, the baby bump has officially arrived!  My pants will no longer fasten and I invested in a belly band which has become my new best friend.  It's truly the best piece of material a girl could ask for at this stage of pregnancy!  I'm not to the point of needing maternity clothes but yet outgrowing my regular clothes.  The belly band is perfect for this 'in between stage'.  I've had to rearrange my closet and sort through things I can & can't wear from here on out.  Other than a few maternity tees that I can dress up for work and down for the weekends, I'm holding out to buy any 'real' maternity clothes.  My bump is showing just enough that it looks like I've just had about 6 too many beers!  I've actually had people tell me they just thought I was "fat"!  Great.  I look forward to the next few weeks when I pooch out some more and actually look pregnant versus just "fat"!  :)

14 weeks

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Telling my bosses

I must admit I was a bit nervous to break the news to my bosses but also very excited.  It's a great feeling to share such happy news that you've been keeping secret for over a month with those that are close to you and experiencing their reactions.  It's awesome!  So, at the end of March when I was 12 weeks I broke the news to them.  I went to each of them (3) with a folder like we use in the office for tax returns and had my ultrasound pictures inside and said, "would you mind looking this over and telling me what you think?"  They looked at me kinda funny, like what is this all about.  When they opened it up and saw the pictures, they were all so very happy for Todd & I.  They of course asked all the usual questions of: when did you find out, when is your due date, how are you feeling, is Todd excited, etc.  It was a great relief to let that cat out of the bag!  I work for & with such awesome people...they were all genuinely happy & excited for me and that means alot.

So just to answer the usual questions I mentioned above...
- we found out Feb 2nd (superbowl weekend)
- due date is October 12th
- I'm still feeling pretty good, still no sickness and energy is starting to pick back up
- Todd is beyond excited.  I think it sinks in a little more each day that this is reality and I actually have a little baby growing inside my belly that we created.  I think once the belly bump arrives and he has something he can physically see to relate to, it will really hit him.

12 weeks

So I must admit, the first item purchased for Baby Martin was an official UK t-shirt!  Though we may live in GA, this child will know the 'right' team to cheer for...Go BIG BLUE!!!  :o)  (unfortunately...I forsee a UGA onesie making an appearance down the road, but let it be known it will not be purchased from my wallet!)

Here it goes...

So after giving it some thought as to whether I thought I should/could do this blog, I decided to give it a shot.  I may not be very consistent with my posts, but I hope to keep it up.  I think it will be a great way to share my thoughts and memories of my pregnancy as I move through this amazing journey.  I hope you'll enjoy sharing it with me!  I'm getting my motivation to do this from several friends of mine that have done a blog for their life and for their pregnancy and it really is an awesome and easy way to keep a journal that you can/don't mind sharing with family and friends.

So today I am 17 weeks preggo and so far, so good!  I'm truly enjoying every single day.  I'll try to give a recap of what all the past 17 weeks have consisted of to get you up to speed...

February 2 - the day of the pregnancy test and 1st day of pure shock and excitement!  I took one test = positive, went to dinner, still not sinking in or convinced, stopped at CVS on the way home to get the kind that actually says "pregnant"/"not pregnant" versus the silly + or - and well, it clearly said "pregnant"!! 

March 2 - after an entire month of anticipation, we finally got to go see the doctor to confirm.  At exactly 8 weeks, we got our first ultrasound and it was a moment I'll never forget!  Hearing the heartbeat for the 1st time was truly incredible.  My words exactly, through the tears of joy..."oh my gosh, it sounds just like a racehorse!"  Spoken like a true KY girl, born and raised on a horse farm.  :o)  But truly, that's exactly what it sounded like and it was amazing!  Seeing the little "gummy bear" as the U/S tech called it, was so cool.  Todd and I couldn't stop smiling and for me...I couldn't stop crying!  Pure happiness.

March 3-6 - in Vail for a ski trip we won in connection with Todd's job.  It was a celebrity charity event for Cystic Fybrosis sponsored by John Hancock (and various other vendors), which Todd sells various insurance products for.  I, of course, was denied the ability to ski which was a big let down for me, but why take the chance.  My doctor didn't think it was wise since I'd never been on skis before and the chance of me falling multiple times was pretty high!  So Todd enjoyed the skiing, while I enjoyed reading and spa time!  It was a great trip.

We finally broke the news to our parents while we were on our trip.  I had thought of this idea and thought it would be the most perfect time/place to tell them.  It just so happened that Todd's parents had gone down to my parents house in FL to spend the weekend with them.  With the 4 of them all together it was the perfect opportunity so they could share in the excitement of becoming 1st time grandparents together.  I sent them an email titled "meeting our 1st celebrity" (since we had met a few celebrities at the event already..all B list, so nothing too exciting!)  and attached 2 of the U/S pictures.  I had written on the attached photos..."Congratulations, you're going to be Grandparents!"  About 30minutes later I received a phone call from them on speaker phone and all I heard were screams!  It was the best feeling ever to hear their excitement and pure joy and that we had completely surprised them.   :o)

I sent my sister (Aaron) an early birthday present that included a onesie that said "I (heart) my Aunt" and anticipated that phone call as well...see above for the same response!  All screams!  We also told my brother & sister-in-law (Tony & Holly) and my grandparents but waited until the end of the month before breaking the news to anyone else.  Only wanted family to know until I was through my 1st trimester.

Throughout my entire first trimester, I didn't experience any morning sickness.  I feel truly blessed for that.  Thank goodness I took after my mom!  Exhausted every day, especially working tax season hours for all of Feb & March, but I'll take being tired versus feeling nauseous everyday...anyday!  And going to the bathroom...A LOT is also the norm for me these days.  I'm definitely drinking lots of water, which is part of it, but my goodness!  When they say you pee alot when you're pregnant, they aren't kidding!  Sheesh!
9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks